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Forced to absorb a Remnant from a warped Path of the Stellar Spear, Jai Long does not possess the orthodox Goldsign of this clan, instead his face is twisted with lips stretched inhumanly wide in a smile that stretched all the way back to his ears, and a mouth full of fangs.

By absorbing an "unnatural" Remnant, Jai long can imbue forged madra with temporary life, something considered an advanced technique. This manifest as snakes of light that can attack independent of Jai Long.


  • Striker:
    • Star Lance 2.0:
      • Creates a bright snake of light that is razor sharp and possesses limited animation able to work in concert to Jai Long.
  • Enforcer:
    • Flowing Starlight 2.0:
      • The user circulates light-aspect mandra, and a bright pattern covers the users skin, enhancing his movement speed and perception. Unlike the classical version of Flowing Starlight, using this technique creates a shifting serpentine light pattern on the skin rather than still straight lines.
    • Star's Edge:
      • The user, reinforces his weapon, a bright pattern covers the weapon , resulting in a "deadly star" at the end of his spear.
  • Ruler:
    • No known techniques, No combat ruler techniques exist
  • Forger:
    • No known techniques.

 Cycling Techniques:[]

  • No specific techniques known

Iron Body:[]

  • Stellar Spear Iron Body
    • The specific mechanics of this body are unknown but presumably they help with speed the main focus of the path of Stellar Spear in general.

